Simulate your travel insurance
Enter your travel details and get the price of the best protection for your adventure.
Info You should select all the countries you're travelling through, including stopovers
Info Travellers must be members of the same household. You can only include a maximum of 10 people on the trip.
Info Tells us the reason for travel. A tailored Insurance regarding Snow or Education trips is not available.
Info Standard Insurance: the ideal package for those who prefer default coverage. Tailored Insurance: totally adaptable, ideal for those who like to personalize.

Frequently asked questions

Who can take out a Just in Case travel insurance policy?

Any person over 18 (eighteen) and up to 75 (seventy-five) years of age may be a policyholder. 
Any person up to the age of 75 (seventy-five) can be an insured person. In the case of Insured Persons under 18 (eighteen) years of age, the policyholder must be of legal age and a member of the household. 
Both the policyholder and the Insured Persons must reside in Portugal and have a Portuguese Tax Number (NIF).

Can I take out an insurance policy for more than one person?

Yes, you can take out a Just in Case insurance policy for more than one person, as long as they all belong to the same household. If you're travelling with other family members who are not part of your household, or with friends, they each need their own Just in Case insurance policy.

Can I take out an insurance policy at any time during my trip?

To take out your Just in Case travel insurance policy, you must be in Portuguese territory (mainland Portugal or the Autonomous Regions of the Azores and Madeira) before you start your trip.

What is the maximum trip duration I can insure?

You can take out Just in Case travel insurance for trips of up to one (1) year.

How can I pay for the insurance I've taken out?

You can pay for your Just in Case travel insurance directly through the app, via MB Way or bank card.

When does my insurance policy become active?

Your insurance policy becomes active the day after you take it out, provided that the premium has been successfully paid. If you take out the policy in advance, you'll be able to take advantage of the Traveller's Check-up before your trip, which requires booking in advance and is only available on working days. If you're advised to take any medication or any vaccinations, you'll also need to do so before the start of your trip. The policy must also be taken out in advance if you want to cancel your trip.
Coverages aimed at the risks of the trip itself will only be effective from the date of departure and in the countries of destination you have indicated. 
If you take out the insurance policy on the day you are travelling, it will become active from the moment you take it out. You can check the start date and time on the Single Insurance Document.

What is the deductible?

The deductible is the amount that you are responsible for in the event of a claim. This amount and the method used to calculate it are set out in the Special Conditions.

What should I do in the event of a claim?

In the event of a claim, and before you incur any expenses, contact our Assistance Service, available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, on +351 214 238 416 (national landline), so that we can tell you how to proceed.
This immediate contact is essential so that you can take advantage of all your insurance coverages.  Assistance coverages do not operate on a reimbursement basis but rather through direct service. This means that when you contact our Assistance Service, you will be directed to Fidelidade's international partner network, ensuring the necessary support without the need for upfront payment.

For other coverages that operate under a reimbursement system, the Assistance Service will inform you of the next steps and the required documentation.

Can I purchase travel insurance with a corporate NIF?

No, Just in Case only issues policies for individual NIFs. The policyholder must always be a natural person and not a corporate entity. If you need travel insurance for a company or organization, we recommend contacting the Customer Support network directly for more information.


Do you have any questions or concerns that we can help you with? Give us a call!

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Weekdays from 9am to 8pm. Call to national landline network.