Just in Case

Travelling with children: breastfeeding on the go

Written by Just in Case | Sep 25, 2024 2:42:50 PM

On the 1st of August, World Breastfeeding Day is celebrated, an opportunity to highlight the importance of breastfeeding and support mothers worldwide. On this date, we also remind you of the need to have a breastfeeding plan suited to the unique challenges of summer – especially due to the trips you take and the changes in schedule. This article explores how mothers can travel with children confidently and comfortably, promoting the health and well-being of their little ones while exploring new destinations.

7 tips for travelling with children while breastfeeding

Antes de embarcares numa viagem com um bebé que está a ser amamentado, é crucial fazeres um planeamento cuidadoso. Aqui estão alguns passos essenciais para uma experiência mais tranquila:

1. Plan breastfeeding sessions during your travels:

•    By car: locate rest areas along the route. Adapt to your baby's needs, stopping as soon as possible if they get hungry.
•    By plane: most airlines allow breastfeeding without needing to cover up. If you prefer, use a cloth for extra comfort.


2. Know the customs of other countries

Find out about the rules for breastfeeding in public in your destination.


3. Express and store milk

Use breast pumps to express and store milk. Choose a pump suitable for travel use.


4. Wear comfortable clothing

Special breastfeeding bras and versatile, functional clothing are ideal, keeping you fresh and comfortable.


5. Prepare a survival kit

Include water, nipple cream, and disposable breast pads for more comfort while breastfeeding.


6. Minimise stress

Avoid overloading yourself with activities that can be stressful. Always ask for help to avoid negative influences on your mood and your baby's well-being.


7. Aproveita as férias

Maintain a balanced diet and relax with family and friends. Take the opportunity to be pampered!


Travelling with breastfed children can be a rewarding experience, offering unique opportunities to strengthen the bond between mother and child while exploring new horizons together. With adequate preparation and support, mothers can enjoy memorable trips and ensure the best for their children's development and health.


The importance of Travel Insurance

In addition to all the preparations, an essential measure for travelling with peace of mind is taking out travel insurance. This type of insurance can cover a variety of unforeseen events, from unexpected health problems to emergencies during the trip. In the context of breastfeeding, travel insurance can provide quick access to medical care if needed and offer the necessary peace of mind so you can focus on caring for your baby and enjoying the trip. Check out our Just in Case insurance and learn how to protect yourself and your family on your next trip.